The Perks of Being a Translator

By Diana Cristina Anichitoaei
In Getting Started
Apr 14th, 2014

Why Being a Translator Can Be A Very Rewarding Career


Blog post by Diana Cristina Anichitoaei, a translation student passionate about languages and translation

It is common knowledge that translation is not included in the category of easy jobs. It definitely requires hard work, dedication and a huge passion for foreign languages. Nevertheless, we have to mention also the perks of being a translator.

First of all, it is one of the most flexible jobs at the moment. You have the rare opportunity of working from the comfort of your own house: online or on the phone. This is particularly attractive for those who have children. We all know that the capitalist society is synonymous with a high number of hours spent working, away from your home. In this context, it is possible to say that translation is a “family friendly” job, as in most of the cases you are the one creating your schedule.

Secondly, a translator will be required to read and analyse documents from a wide range of subjects. This will provide you with valuable information about different cultures, events and domains, enriching your general knowledge and sharpening your mind. It means that translating is not a repetitive job and it will prevent you from getting bored.

Another advantage of the job is that you meet people from all over the globe; you work for them, you create connections. Translators socialize and exchange opinions in more than a language, with people from different backgrounds, which make it an exciting and enriching experience.

Furthermore, a high percentage of translators receive excellent compensation. It is true that especially those speaking more difficult languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean and German, that have become critical for business and commerce, are likely to get the best salaries. The request for skilled translators in these languages has become higher, so learning them is a good opportunity to get a great job.

Every person expects a lot from his future career. People don`t want only financial reward, they want to feel useful and good at what they do. As a translator, you will be often appreciated for you capability of speaking and understanding more than one language. Your name is going to be on the book you put so much effort into translating it or on the article that without your help could not be understood by those who don’t speak a certain language. So, in terms of rewards, translation does have a lot to offer. All in all, becoming a translator is suitable for those who want to have a challenging career that offers a flexible schedule and a good salary. It is a respected job, which makes you feel valued and valuable at the same time.

Blog post by Diana Cristina Anichitoaei, a translation student passionate about language and translation


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About "" Has 7 Posts

I am a second year student in Languages and European Studies. I speak four languages: English, French, Spanish and Romanian. I am interested in Translation and European Politics. I love writing, particularly about environmental issues and policies.

5 Responses to “The Perks of Being a Translator”

  1. […] The Perks of Being a Translator – Why Being a Translator Can Be A Rewarding Career  […]

  2. […] The Perks of Being a Translator – Why Being a Translator Can Be A Rewarding Career  […]

  3. David says:

    Working as a translators is really not an easy job. But, after all the perks I love my job.

  4. Ralph Houston says:

    Excellent summary. Any thoughts on the unfortunate tendency that is causing prices to fall and customers to default on paying? Although I love my work as a translator, taking inflation and adverse exchange rates into account, I am now earning half what I did when I started out, seven years ago.

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