Technical Aspects of Subtitling and Software

By Meredith Ché
In Subtitling
Jul 16th, 2018

Technical Aspects of Subtitling and Software


Although there is an art to subtitling, as in any other creative field, having quality tools to work with can only enhance your creation on screen. If you decide to work for a post-production company or agency such as Technicolor, Netflix or broadcasting network it is more than likely that you will use be using some of the top-notch software provided by the company. However, as a freelance subtitler, you will have to invest in having you own software on your personal computer. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, there are a variety of software options available to freelance subtitlers that have long terms benefits at higher costs and short term benefits at a lower cost.


Rent vs. Buying a License


Many subtitling softwares give the option to rent software on a month to month basis or buy the license for the long term. Think of it as renting an apartment vs. paying a mortgage on a house or condo.  Renting the software requires the client to pay for the software at a monthly fixed rate. During that time, as a client that is using the software, you will be given access to the software along with technical support during the time that the software is used. Most software companies allow you to rent the software and cancel at any given time that you decide to stop using the software. This is a great option for freelancers that are just starting off and trying to build a rapport with clients in the market that do not have sufficient means to purchase the software. It is also a good option for subtitlers that are just starting to get their feet wet and not sure if it’s an industry they can see themselves in for the long term.


The other option is purchasing a license to have possession of subtitling software for the long-run. Some subtitling companies give the client the option to buy the software and pay in installments or one lump sum. When the software is paid off in its entirety, the client has the software for a lifetime.  If the client chooses to pay in installments, there is the possibility that interest and bank charges will be accrued and charged to the client’s account. Technical support is typically offered as a separate annual rate, even after the software is paid in its entirety.


There are also softwares available to subtitlers that are free of charge and don’t require the client to pay. However, it is important to keep in mind that these softwares don’t always include the same features as softwares that must be rented or purchased and will have limitations. Free softwares tend to get the job done for simple projects and include the most basic features of subtitling softwares.


Mac vs. Windows


Not all softwares are compatible with certain systems. Be sure to investigate what softwares are compatible with Apple if you are a mac user, and PC, if you are a Windows users. Below I have listed only a few softwares that are compatible with certain systems, am:



-Ooona Subtitling software (rent option only)

-MacCaptions (investment)



-EZ titles (investment and renting option)

-Subtitle Edit (free)

-Subtitle Workshop (free)

-Jubler Subtitle

-Aura Video Editor


If subtitling is a career that you can see yourself in for the long run, buying the license to have lifetime access to the software has the best cost benefit. Luckily, a freelance subtitler has many options and technology has made it easier for us to navigate the industry.




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