Upcoming Translation Events – Summer 2017

By Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe
In Translation
Jul 17th, 2017

If you’re working as a freelance translator or even just thinking about it, events are a good way to meet new prospects and more about the industry.

Upcoming Translation Events - Summer 2017

Check out some of the interesting translation events you can attend this summer in Europe.

1. 8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference
SOAS University of London
London, UK
July 05 – July 07

Conflicting Ideologies and Cultural Mediation – Hearing, Interpreting, Translating Global Voices
The conference will address conflicting ideologies and cultural mediation and seek to promote development of translation theories based on Asian practices in order to contribute to the development of global translation studies.

2. International Terminology Summer School – TSS
10 to 14 July
TH Köln
Cologne, Germany
July 10 – July 14

TSS is the leading and largest international summer school for terminology professionals with about 80 participants from some 40 countries and almost every continent. The course is taught by some of the most renowned and prominent terminology experts in the world.

3. 15th International Pragmatics Conference
International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Belfast, Northern Ireland
July 16 – July 21

The interpreter’s role in healthcare conversations: A multimodal analysis of a multimodal reality, with special theme: “Pragmatics in the real world”, a theme with particular resonance for Belfast because it is a city in the midst of a transition to a post-conflict society and transformations to forms and choices of language and meanings are an implicit and often explicit part of that transition.

4. International Literary Translation and Creative Writing Summer School
University of East Anglia, Norwich
July 23 – July 29

The Summer School brings together writers and translators for an intensive, one-week, residential programme of hands-on translation and creative writing practice.

For translators working from any other languages there are two multilingual workshops, one for poetry and one for prose. These are designed for translators working from any language into English.

5. International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XVI)
Jyväskylä, Finland
August 28 – August 30

Minority languages have long been used by different groups of social actors for identity and community building purposes, such as the symbolic, material, and political mobilisation of linguistic and cultural rights. Currently, under changing political, economic and cultural conditions around the world, minority languages are subject to multiple, overlapping and even contradictory discourses and practices of valuation and revaluation. ICML XVI will address critical questions such as how minority languages are valued, by whom and under what conditions.

6. Interspeech 2017 Special Session
Stockholm, Sweden
August 20 – August 24

This special session aims to accelerate the research activities for under-resourced languages, and to provide a forum for linguistic and speech technology researchers.

7. 2nd International Summer School in Translation Technology
KU Leuven (University of Leuven)
Faculty of Arts
Campus Sint-Andries
Antwerp, Belgium
September 4 – September 8

For language professionals who are looking for a practice-oriented and state-of-the-art introduction to translation and localisation processes, issues and tools.  To increase technology employability, the professionals selling translation services need to become tech-savvy and digitally literate. During this one-week event, experienced trainers and experts from both the academic and the commercial world will answer this question through presentations, hands-on workshops, and use case scenarios.

8. Training the Teacher of Literary Translation
European School of Literary Translation
Link Campus University, Rome
September 12- September 15

The European School of Literary Translation is a new international initiative dedicated to the training of emerging literary translation teachers. It involves four European partner organisations: British Centre for Literary Translation (BCLT), Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation, Netherlands (ELV), University of Rome Link Campus and Fondazione San Pellegrino, Italy (FUSP).

9. ATC Annual Conference
London, UK
September 21 – September 22

The Association of Translation Companies (ATC) Annual Conference will explore a wide range of issues related to the operation of language service providers.

10. 3rd International Conference on Interpreting Quality
Granada, Spain
October 5 – October 7

This conference is intended as a platform for fruitful dialogue on language interpreting quality. It will bring together a variety of perspectives and promote exchange at different levels and will will gather delegates from the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific area.


We hope you can attend to some of them!


Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash


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About "" Has 5 Posts

Gabriela Garcia Calderon. I'm a lawyer, translator, proud lefty, short-sighted born in Peru and based in Lima. I live two blocks away from the Pacific Ocean. I am able to read from right to left, as a mirror. I love Limean winter, yes, the winter. I like reading, watching good movies, writing on my blog "Seis de enero" (January 6th) and sharing an ice cream all around the year.

2 Responses to “Upcoming Translation Events – Summer 2017”

  1. Ana Dubra says:

    Hi, Gabriela, thank you for this rundown of upcoming translation events, I just wanted to let you know that in September, we are hosting the Second International Translation and Interpreting Conference in Uruguay (information here: http://congresoctpu2017.org/)

  2. Max Neilson says:

    It is very important for a translator to be aware of the translation industry and its events. Being a translator the information provided here is very useful for me. Thanks for sharing!!!

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